
субота, 2. новембар 2013.

"Манго" облачи мајке и ћерке у исте моделе у новој "Мини ја" колекцији

Од ове године, "Манго" је почео да дизајнира и за клинцезе. Заправо, уместо да дизајнери ове женама омиљене робне марке осмишљавају моделе за малишане, они су једноставно "смањили" моделе за одрасле.
Тако је настала "Мини ја" колекција, која се састоји од намодернијих јакни, панталона, кошуља, пелерина, које сада маме и ћерке могу носити у комплету. Погледајте "Мини ја" каталог за сезону јесен-зима 2913/14.:

It was so cool when loved by many fashionistas Mango launched their kids’ clothes collection this year, all so stylish, trendy and really-really pretty! And it’s even more exciting when their women collection has gone mini to invade the wardrobe of the little ones in the family. Stylish parka coats, skinny jeans, cozy sweaters, leather boots and skirts, Scottish plaid pants – all of these and much more are available right now for our dearest kids! Isn’t it awesome? Isn’t it all that kids usually dream about – to look as stylish, mature and contemporary as the grown-ups? I think it is. Check out their Mini Me lookbook on Mango official site. - See more at: http://www.kidsomania.com/mini-me-mango-kids-clothes-collection-that-mimics-the-moms-looks/#sthash.KzVifbh1.dpu
It was so cool when loved by many fashionistas Mango launched their kids’ clothes collection this year, all so stylish, trendy and really-really pretty! And it’s even more exciting when their women collection has gone mini to invade the wardrobe of the little ones in the family. Stylish parka coats, skinny jeans, cozy sweaters, leather boots and skirts, Scottish plaid pants – all of these and much more are available right now for our dearest kids! Isn’t it awesome? Isn’t it all that kids usually dream about – to look as stylish, mature and contemporary as the grown-ups? I think it is. Check out their Mini Me lookbook on Mango official site. - See more at: http://www.kidsomania.com/mini-me-mango-kids-clothes-collection-that-mimics-the-moms-looks/#sthash.KzVifbh1.dpuf
It was so cool when loved by many fashionistas Mango launched their kids’ clothes collection this year, all so stylish, trendy and really-really pretty! And it’s even more exciting when their women collection has gone mini to invade the wardrobe of the little ones in the family. Stylish parka coats, skinny jeans, cozy sweaters, leather boots and skirts, Scottish plaid pants – all of these and much more are available right now for our dearest kids! Isn’t it awesome? Isn’t it all that kids usually dream about – to look as stylish, mature and contemporary as the grown-ups? I think it is. Check out their Mini Me lookbook on Mango official site. - See more at: http://www.kidsomania.com/mini-me-mango-kids-clothes-collection-that-mimics-the-moms-looks/#sthash.KzVifbh1.dpuf

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