Дизајнер Yoni Lefevre и фотограф Nick Bookelaar аутори су креативног пројекта названог "Моћ седих" (Grey Power).
Оно што су ова двојица аутора урадила, јесте да су дечије цртеже бака и дека претворили у стварност на серији фотографија.
Лефевр објашњава да деца старе виде на посебан начин - не као седе и занемоћале, већ као активна људска бића која дају боју њиховим животима. У друштву у коме се стари занемарују и заборављају, ова свежа дечија перспектива помаже нам да не заборавимо на значај старих, додаје Лефевр.
Most kids view their grandparents
as incredible human beings worthy of adoration. In contrast to the
American culture’s dismissive and negative ideologies surrounding the
elderly, kids envision their elders as full of vitality and love. Yoni Lefevre, a design student at the University of Eindhoven, created the photo series, “Grey Power” to highlight that the older generation has a great deal to contribute to their families and to our society.
Lefevre asked each child to draw a picture of their grandparents as superheroes. The illustrations were then recreated as photographs with the help Lefevre’s mother’s pedicure clients. Each snapshot was staged complete with costumes and set pieces taken directly from the drawings. Through humor and no small amount of charm, Lefevre presents the elderly as they are seen by their loved ones.
- See more at: http://www.inhabitots.com/kids-drawings-of-their-grandparents-are-brought-to-life-in-charming-photographs/#sthash.6zqdZH8T.dpuf
Lefevre asked each child to draw a picture of their grandparents as superheroes. The illustrations were then recreated as photographs with the help Lefevre’s mother’s pedicure clients. Each snapshot was staged complete with costumes and set pieces taken directly from the drawings. Through humor and no small amount of charm, Lefevre presents the elderly as they are seen by their loved ones.
- See more at: http://www.inhabitots.com/kids-drawings-of-their-grandparents-are-brought-to-life-in-charming-photographs/#sthash.6zqdZH8T.dpuf
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